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Writers’ Dash: May 2017


Morning Dash

1. Verisimilitude 2. Eventide 3. Exogenesis 4. Scry 5. Harbinger
6. Zugzwang 7. Zenith 8. Frangible 9. Panspermia 10. Ludic
11. Singularity 12. Animatronic 13. Astraphobia 14. Tommyrot 15. Nexus
16. Plutonian 17. Migrate 18. Erudite 19. Selkie 20. Gorgonize
21. Parlay 22. Capricious 23. Hoodwink 24. Pavonine 25. Denouement
26. Talisman 27. Circumlocution 28. Alacrity 29. Wheedle 30. Nebulous
31. Rawgabbit

Evening Dash

1. Scintilla 2. Nescient 3. Blacklist 4. Canoodle 5. Redolent
6. Erinaceous 7. Exculpate 8. Frippery 9. Zoolatry 10. Scofflaw
11. Scripturient 12. Apple Knocker 13. Mellifluous 14. Phlegmatic 15. Gigglemug
16. Paracosm 17. Bodacious 18. Fusty 19. Digress 20. Chimerical
21. Blatherskite 22. Wander 23. Intransigent 24. Humbuggery 25. Phantasmagorical
26. Refractory 27. Sardonic 28. Hiraeth 29. Confluence 30. Quagmire
31. Grubbling

Prompts courtesy of Raina Anatra.

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