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Writers’ Dash: June 2018

1. Compute 2. Miserly 3. Fussbudget 4. Luminous 5. Antithesis
6. Adore 7. Farceur 8. Elapse 9. Undercover 10. Quaver
11. Capsize 12. Loathe 13. Pearl 14. Sear 15. Hornswoggle
16. Impudent 17. Peel 18. Sitar 19. Embarrassed 20. Industrious
21. Ageless 22. Creep 23. Extrapolate 24. Half-assed 25. Weirdo
26. Fettle 27. Prospect 28. Metropolitan 29. Sovereign 30. Woolly

Prompts courtesy of Raina Anatra.

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