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Writers’ Dash: October 2015

Morning Dash

1. Perspective 2. Gesture 3. Contour 4. Illusion 5. Preserve
6. Impasto 7. Realism 8. Vibrant 9. Compose 10. Reflection
11. Cogent 12. Luminosity 13. Synthetic 14. Crimson 15. Tertiary
16. Dappled 17. Analogue 18. Spectrum 19. Alter Ego 20. Artifice
21. Canvas 22. Figure 23. Hegemony 24. Lyrical 25.  Motif
26.  Plastic 27. Solvent 28.  Cityscape 29.  Symbol 30.  Tactile
 31. Caricature

Evening Dash

1. Proportion 2. Technique 3. Uninhibited 4. Glaze 5. Spontaneous
6. Pigment 7. Opaque 8. Abstraction 9. Imagine 10. Rendering
11. Exuberance 12. Hue 13. Static 14. Bleed 15. Preconceive
16. Aesthetic 17. Angular 18.  Background 19. Brushwork 20. Canon
21. Found 22. Gender 23. Happening 24.  Ink 25.  Lever
26.  Malleable 27.  Husk 28.  Pose 29.  Replica 30.  Shutter
 31. Still Life

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Writers’ Dash: September 2015

Morning Dash

1. Dark Matter 2. Density 3. Space Probe 4. Orbit 5. Earthbound
6. Big Bang Theory 7. Equinox 8. Supernova 9. Sunspot 10. Terminator
11. Pulsar 12. Totality 13. Terrestrial 14. Gravity 15. Crater
16. Satellite 17. Vacuum 18. Cosmos 19. Wavelength 20. Zenith
21. Weightlessness 22. Nadir 23. Waning 24. Rocket 25.  Solstice
26.  Ascension 27. Interstellar 28.  Black Hole 29.  Zodiac 30.  Crescent Moon

Evening Dash

1. Cluster 2. Milky Way 3. Waxing 4. Inertia 5. Wormhole
6. Corona 7. Mass 8. Venus 9. Flare 10. Universe
11. Radiant 12. Umbra 13. Light-year 14. New Moon 15. Ozone
16. Nebula 17. Rotate 18.  Element 19. Galaxy 20. Earthshine
21. Astronaut 22. Atom 23. Starlight 24.  Magnetic Field 25.  Constellation
26.  Time 27.  Event Horizon 28.  Aurora 29.  Lunar 30.  Falling Star

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Writers’ Dash: August 2015

Morning Dash

1. Motive 2. Evidence 3. Abduction 4. Collude 5. Conspiracy
6. Encounter 7. Counterfeit 8. Dupe 9. Embezzle 10. Hostage
11. Lurk 12. Plead 13. Execute 14. Trespass 15. Strangle
16. Riot 17. Undercover 18. Verdict 19. Wiretap 20. Vagrant
21. Red-handed 22. Gang 23. Intuition 24. Fingerprint 25.  Punish
26.  Nuisance 27. Disturbance 28.  Code 29.  Bloodstain 30.  Fraud
 31. Vigilante

Evening Dash

1. Witness 2. Clue 3. Archive 4. Consent 5. Detain
6. Espionage 7. Slander 8. Footprint 9. DNA 10. Science
11. Bond 12. Force 13. Lethal 14. Hijack 15. Judge
16. Deviant 17. Complex 18.  Forgery 19. Expose 20. Liberty
21. Coroner 22. Discovery 23. Jury 24.  Informant 25.  Trigger
26.  Extort 27.  Bribe 28.  Forensic 29.  Crack 30.  Encounter
 31. Contempt

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Writers’ Dash: July 2015

Morning Dash

1. Immortal 2. Sway 3. Museum 4. Queue 5. Electrify
6. Lipstick 7. Odd socks 8. Braid 9. Pig’s ear 10. Foist
11. Carnage 12. Sneeze 13. Limb 14. Moribund 15. Daylight robbery
16. Junket 17. Catawampus 18. Telephone 19. Torrefy 20. Empire
21. Birdsong 22. Dust 23. Ship of fools 24. Bete noir 25.  Pipe dream
26.  Doodle 27. Hound dog 28.  Blink 29.  Park bench 30.  Nosebleed
 31. Mercy

Evening Dash

1. Peel 2. Steep 3. Murderous 4. Text 5. Tryst
6. Shotgun 7. Element 8. Stagecoach 9. Quiver 10. Invisible
11. Harbinger of Doom 12. False Gods 13. Shell fire 14. Laugh 15. Storm in a teacup
16. Jugular 17. Terminal 18.  Crystal clear 19. Dragonfly 20. Gone
21. Bite-size 22. Zoo 23. Wedge 24.  Spearmint 25.  Cross
26.  Tool 27.  Peace 28.  Dial tone 29.  Secret Government 30.  Combustion
 31. Pellet

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Writers’ Dash: June 2015

Morning Dash

1. Device 2. Evacuation 3. Blasphemy 4. Industrious 5. Crass
6. Untouchable 7. Jiggery-pokery 8. Eternize 9. Germinate 10. Neutral
11. Cogwheel 12. Blench 13. Bury 14. Rubberneck 15. Broken mirror
16. Falter 17. Seasick 18. Grasping 19. Layer 20. Hollow hills
21. Visionary 22. Smear 23. Slit 24. Impulse 25.  Hull
26.  Pang 27. Stammer 28.  Delirious 29.  End times 30.  Canopy

Evening Dash

1. Moonbow 2. Hidebound 3. Derring-do 4. Butterflies 5. Displace
6. Crusade 7. Territorial 8. Fugitive 9. Gypsy 10. Fiery
11. Brush 12. Angle 13. Corrupted 14. Crown 15. Ashen
16. Wax and wane 17. Rigged 18.  Aged 19. Plutonium 20. Abyssal
21. Meridian 22. Swamp 23. Channel 24.  Rotation 25.  Scope
26.  Hammer 27.  Taxing 28.  Partial 29.  Curve 30.  Symbolic

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Writers’ Dash: October 2015

Morning Dash 1. Perspective 2. Gesture 3. Contour 4. Illusion 5. Preserve 6. Impasto 7....
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Writers’ Dash: September 2015

Morning Dash 1. Dark Matter 2. Density 3. Space Probe 4. Orbit 5. Earthbound 6. Big Bang...
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Writers’ Dash: August 2015

Morning Dash 1. Motive 2. Evidence 3. Abduction 4. Collude 5. Conspiracy 6. Encounter 7....
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Writers’ Dash: July 2015

Morning Dash 1. Immortal 2. Sway 3. Museum 4. Queue 5. Electrify 6. Lipstick 7. Odd...
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Writers’ Dash: June 2015

Morning Dash 1. Device 2. Evacuation 3. Blasphemy 4. Industrious 5. Crass 6. Untouchable...
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