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Writers’ Dash: May 2018

1. Arithmancy 2. Smaragdine 3. Esoterica 4. Coterminous 5. Eventide
6. Nescient 7. Gigglemug 8. Luddite 9. Paracosm 10. Bodacious
11. Anoesis 12. Rambunctious 13. Purloin 14. Moggy 15. Digress
16. Selkie 17. Gorgonize 18. Chimerical 19. Blatherskite 20. Divagate
21. Memoriter 22. Refactory 23. Circumlocution 24. Sardonic 25. Wheedle
26. Confluence 27. Puissant 28. Notabilia 29. Cirque 30. Trothplight
31. Obsequious

Prompts courtesy of Savage Taurus.

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Writers’ Dash: April 2018

1. Preternatural 2. Pissant 3. Malfeasance 4. Enormity 5. Umbra
6. Humble pie 7. Fenestrated 8. Feng shui 9. Cucumber 10. Cucurbit
11. Cud 12. Condense 13. Fernery 14. Quilt 15. Certitude
16. Probity 17. Whoopee or whoopie 18. Planter 19. Plantigrade 20. Mondegreen
21. Newt 22. Listicle 23. Litany 24. Cerebrate 25. Ampersand
26. Helter-skelter 27. Heirloom 28. Intenerate 29. Intendment 30. Rapacious

Prompts courtesy of BB.

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Writers’ Dash: March 2018

Morning Dash

1. Hyetal 2. Mores 3. Epigrammatic 4. Thewless 5. Glissade
6. Objurgate 7. Madeleine 8. Berceuse 9. Naissance 10. Lenity
11. Cerebrate 12. Moxie 13. Oblivescence 14. Epistemic 15. Sisyphean
16. Quodlibet/td> 17. Maladroit 18. Vulnerary 19. Vatic 20. Pseud
21. Suspiration 22. Bedizen 23. Pinguid 24. Flocculent 25. Bagatelle
26. Dundrearies 27. Gleek 28. Gerontocracy 29. Nostrum 30. Torporific
31. Macaronic

Evening Dash

1. Claque 2. Atemporal 3. Musette 4. Guisard 5. Aerie
6. Tittle 7. Sinecure 8. Fossick 9. Serotinal 10. Ruth
11. Paludal 12. Ululate 13. Mussitation 14. Lickspittle 15. Cannikin
16. Sui generis 17. Sibylline 18. Aegis 19. Serendipity 20. Puffery
21. Sophistry 22. Incogitant 23. Anoesis 24. Litotes 25. Peripatetic
26. Ultracrepidarian 27. Coruscant 28. Minatory 29. Perfidious 30. Lacuna
31. Rebarbative

Prompts courtesy of Nathaniel (BenBold).

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Writers’ Dash: February 2018

Morning Dash

1. Hone 2. Proclaim 3. Ungulate 4. Defenestrate 5. Teeming
6. Mellifluous 7. Constant 8. Odometer 9. Purloin 10. Ensnare
11. Ketosis 12. Blandishment 13. Bundle 14. Horizon 15. Lament
16. Stone 17. Chiller 18. Macabre 19. Visitor 20. Diminish
21. Moue 22. Keepsake 23. Verbigeration 24. Crepuscular 25. Scour
26. Penetralia 27. Legerdemain 28. Abderian 29. 30.

Evening Dash

1. Chary 2. Impassable 3. Commensurate 4. Prone 5. Temptation
6. Appropriate 7. Sericeous 8. Reclaim 9. Cater 10. Feasible
11. Adverse 12. Uproot 13. Parse 14. Hexadecimals 15. Outpace
16. Chironomid 17. Aubergine 18. Subordinate 19. Transition 20. Viable
21. Caravan 22. Conjure 23. Quaternion 24. Fester 25. Loyalist
26. Sophrosyne 27. Uhtceare 28. Mesonoxian 29. 30.

Prompts courtesy of Laraa Short.

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Writers’ Dash: January 2018

Morning Dash

1. Popcorn 2. Tease 3. Deep 4. Worm 5. Satisfy
6. Square 7. Dice 8. Support 9. Doll 10. Dare
11. Unkempt 12. Spaghetti 13. Distress 14. Spicy 15. Cheese
16. Beguile 17. Pipe 18. Goad 19. Quirky 20. Scream
21. Offend 22. Enormous 23. Money 24. Charm 25. Pasta
26. Force 27. Exuberant 28. Knife 29. Scrutinise 30. Purring
31. Castle

Evening Dash

1. Confuse 2. Cockroach 3. Pursue 4. Cold 5. Nuts
6. Endure 7. Petite 8. Tree 9. Evaluate 10. Dance
11. Beg 12. Nimble 13. Poster 14. Elevate 15. Calm
16. Strawberry 17. Promote 18. Explosion 19. Patronise 20. Delirious
21. Summer 22. Feed 23. Greasy 24. Wax 25. Discredit
26. Attic 27. Spoil 28. Bitter 29. Butterfly 30. Soothe
31. Fabulous

Prompts courtesy of Doyle Slen.

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Writers’ Dash: May 2018

1. Arithmancy 2. Smaragdine 3. Esoterica 4. Coterminous 5. Eventide 6. Nescient 7....
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Writers’ Dash: April 2018

1. Preternatural 2. Pissant 3. Malfeasance 4. Enormity 5. Umbra 6. Humble pie 7....
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Writers’ Dash: March 2018

Morning Dash 1. Hyetal 2. Mores 3. Epigrammatic 4. Thewless 5. Glissade 6. Objurgate 7....
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Writers’ Dash: February 2018

Morning Dash 1. Hone 2. Proclaim 3. Ungulate 4. Defenestrate 5. Teeming 6. Mellifluous...
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Writers’ Dash: January 2018

Morning Dash 1. Popcorn 2. Tease 3. Deep 4. Worm 5. Satisfy 6. Square 7. Dice 8. Support...
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